What a cold day it was! But that made me appreciate what God has provide to my family... a home with a roof and heat. The homeless of Hamilton have much, much less, and through the giving of blankets, clothing, hats, mitts, sandwiches, and coffee, we hope that this provide some warmth from the cold weather.
Our friends had the opportunity to chat with some of the homeless. Dale, a man in his 50's has been on the street for quite a long time. He has only a few teeth in his mouth, and he wears surgical latex gloves to cover the infections on his hands caused by frostbite. Before meeting the group, I drove past 5 homeless folks (4 men and 1 woman) and pulled over. I was able to provide them with hats, gloves, socks, and even new underwear. From contributions at my office, I had a suitcase full of womens' sweaters, pants, and jackets. The homeless lady was staying at the local Y and took all the womens' clothes to provide to those staying with her.
Thanks to all the provided in giving!