Next Outreach...

Next outreach... Sunday, February 1st at 2:30pm - Gore Park.

Clothing & Supply Drop off :)
If you are able to drop off clothing/supplies at our home, we would be more than glad to take your donation for our distribution to Hamilton's homeless and needy.

You can drop off on Sunday afternoons between 2pm and 5pm at:

1325 Baseline Road, Stoney Creek (QEW & 50 Road / Liuna Gardens area)

If we are not home, please leave by the front door. We appreciate your donation and your heart for giving!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Next outreach event : January 15th

On the afternoon of January 15th, we will be providing the homeless of Hamilton sandwiches, coffee, more blankets, and hopefully gloves and toques.  If you have any gloves and toques (new or gently used and clean), please send me an email at

We realized very quickly at our December outreach event that blankets were not enough...