A very special thanks to those who contributed and helped out with flooding Hamilton with blankets, coffee, sandwiches, and cupcakes tonight. Many people we spoke to were spending the night, sleeping in below freezing temperatures.
About 40 blankets, 40 cupcakes, and 40 sandwiches were provided to those in need of warmth and food.
We have an abundance of extra blankets and coats that will be going to homeless agencies, as well as out on the street again at our next event.
One thing that we are in need of are gloves and toques. Many folks on the street are without these items to keep them warm, and unfortunately, we met a mother with an 8 month baby boy, where the baby did not have enough to keep him warm.
May God bless the ones that received tonight, as well as those who contributed their blankets, time, and efforts in distributing.