Next Outreach...

Next outreach... Sunday, February 1st at 2:30pm - Gore Park.

Clothing & Supply Drop off :)
If you are able to drop off clothing/supplies at our home, we would be more than glad to take your donation for our distribution to Hamilton's homeless and needy.

You can drop off on Sunday afternoons between 2pm and 5pm at:

1325 Baseline Road, Stoney Creek (QEW & 50 Road / Liuna Gardens area)

If we are not home, please leave by the front door. We appreciate your donation and your heart for giving!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Flood of Blankets

Thanks to our friends from the band "Before The Flood" for helping us with obtaining blankets for the homeless for distribution on December 18th.

Come out to see the show on December 17th at the Moonshine Cafe in Oakville!